This television show that first aired in the early 90's and was also the subject of multiple picture books, shows the almost ideal educational experience for most students. The show is based on one teacher's class and their many exciting field trips. Ms. Frizzle takes her students places that weren't actually possible when the show aired and some aren't even thought of as a possibility now. Whether they are traveling to the moon and back in just one school day or they are going inside another student's body to figure out why they are sick, the students in Ms. Frizzle's class are always learning something. All of these trips happen with the help of their handy magic school bus that can shrink, fly, or become a submarine.
These students are given an amazing opportunity to explore the world around them in a way that most students (and students in real life) can never experience. They are able to do this through the encouragement and somewhat insane ideas of their teacher as well as the fact that their parents don't always know about their crazy adventures.
These students are given this opportunity and with the help of their teacher and their magic bus, they are able to utilize it. This TV show relates to my inquiry in that it shows one way that a certain group of students experience school and the way that they take advantage of the amazing opportunities Ms. Frizzle presents them with. Even the one student who is reluctant to participate, Arnold, finds a way to learn and be amazed by the things he is taught.
These students are given an amazing opportunity to explore the world around them in a way that most students (and students in real life) can never experience. They are able to do this through the encouragement and somewhat insane ideas of their teacher as well as the fact that their parents don't always know about their crazy adventures.
These students are given this opportunity and with the help of their teacher and their magic bus, they are able to utilize it. This TV show relates to my inquiry in that it shows one way that a certain group of students experience school and the way that they take advantage of the amazing opportunities Ms. Frizzle presents them with. Even the one student who is reluctant to participate, Arnold, finds a way to learn and be amazed by the things he is taught.